24h Change

24h Change

Glossary Background

Key Takeaway

24h Change short for "24-Hour Change," refers to the price or percentage difference in the market value of a cryptocurrency or non-fungible token (NFT) within a 24-hour timeframe.

What is 24h change?

24h Change represents the price or percentage difference of a cryptocurrency, token, or NFT within a 24-hour period. The 24h change is essential for traders and investors as it provides valuable insights into price fluctuations and market sentiment surrounding a specific digital asset.

As an example, if the price of Bitcoin increases from $60,000 to $120,000 within 24 hours, the 24h change would be +100% or $60,000. In contrary, if Bitcoin decreases from $60,000 to $55,000 within 24 hours, the 24h change would be -8.33% or $5,000.

Significance of 24h change?

24H Change is an important metric because traders frequently rely on the 24h change to gauge whether an asset is on the rise, experiencing a downtrend, or maintaining stability. Significant positive or negative changes may signal heightened volatility and potential trading opportunities, while minimal fluctuations could indicate market consolidation or investor indecision.

Usage in Infinity Wallet

Infinity Wallet incorporates the 24h change metric to provide users with real-time updates on price fluctuations across a wide range of cryptocurrencies. This feature empowers users to stay informed about recent market movements directly within the app, enabling more informed decision-making for trading.