Tokens that are natively available in the Infinity Wallet have an icon which consists of their logo on a colored hexagon. While a custom added token's icon will have either the characters of its symbol on a grey hexagon, or a custom image.

In the above image of the wallet's Assets screen, you can see the natively available USDT token (green) on the right side, and a custom added token with the same symbol on the left side.
Notice how the wallet was unable to find an estimated price for the above custom token (-.-- USD), and that the token has a similar name and symbol as another integrated token on the same chain, meaning that this token is likely a phishing token of no value.
Custom tokens do not show in the wallet unless manually added, so if you see such a token in your wallet that you don't remember adding, it is likely that you have let someone access your device and compromised your wallet.
You can remove a custom added token from displaying in your wallet on the Settings > Assets screen by pressing the red x button on it.