If you are looking to recover a wallet on a fresh install that does not yet have a Pocket created, you will be asked on running the wallet whether you would like to create a new wallet or restore an existing wallet.
If you already have a Pocket on the device, you can either recover the wallet in an existing Pocket, or create a new Pocket for it. To create a new Pocket press the "Add Pocket" button on the welcome screen.

You will be asked if you would like to create a new wallet or restore an existing wallet. To recover an existing wallet, choose the "Restore Wallet" option.

You will then be asked whether you would like to recover a 12 or 24 word seed phrase wallet. On selecting the appropriate length for the seed phrase that you have, you will be prompted to enter your seed phrase. Make sure to enter your seed phrase in the correct order, then press the "Recover Wallet" button.

The final step would be to enter and confirm the password you would like to use for your new Pocket.
Note that after recovering a wallet it may take a moment for your asset balances to appear, as they will need to sync with the blockchains. Also, if you had previously added any custom tokens, you would need to add them again to view them in the wallet.